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Kokrokoo Charities, has been adjudged the Best Charity Organisation

Dec 03 2022

Social intervention initiative, Kokrokoo Charities, has been adjudged the Best Charities Organisation in 2022 at the 2022 edition of the Home Builders Africa Awards (HOBAA) held in Accra.

The charity organization which was set up by celebrated radio presenter, Kwami Sefa Kayi, host of Peace FM’s Kokrokoo Morning Show won the award for initiating a move to solicit support to purchase 100 incubators to save the lives of pre-term babies.

Mr Sefa Kayi has through the initiative mobilized several incubators which he has donated to hospitals in need of them; an initiative which has contributed immensely to saving the lives of several pre-term babies in Ghana.

The legendary radio presenter has also used his Kokrokoo platform on Peace FM to also educate Ghanaians on several health issues.

His achievements in that sector is widely recognized and saluted across all spheres of Ghanaian society leading to the receipt of several awards; one of which is the Home Builders Africa Award which seeks to salute the contribution of geniuses towards the building of an ideal African society.

“You have single-handedly solicited for 100 incubators to save the lives of pre-term babies. You have taken off the financial burden on healthcare facilities who could not procure INCUBATORS to save the lives of our vulnerable babies. We salute you for this noble gesture and on this day of building homes we confer on you the award - THE BEST CHARITY ORGANISATION 2022,” a citation in honour of the contribution of Sefa Kayi and Kokrokoo Charities read.

The Home Builders Africa Awards has been instituted to recognize industry players who have contributed immensely to the success and growth of Society.

The achievements of industry players who stand tall in various sectors of society were recognized as a means to encouraging others to do their best for Mother Ghana and Africa as a whole.

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