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CIMAF cement grabs two top awards at maiden edition of Home Builders Africa Awards

Dec 02 2022

Local cement manufacturing company, CIMAF cement was adjudged the best cement manufacturing company and the Best Environmental Friendly Company at the maiden edition of the Home Builders Africa Awards held over the weekend in Accra.

The company which originates from the North African country of Morocco was selected from the tall list of cement manufacturers in the country after its brands of were deemed to be the best in the sector.

CIMAF produces wide range of cement which serve various purposes and are widely patronized by builders due to its quality and durability.

Organizers of the awards stated that the numerous commendations from contractors, masons and other industry players led to the selection of the company as the winner of the prestigious award.

CIMAF which operates in accordance with the required safety standards across the globe has become the heartbeat of the country CIMAF Africa within the shortest possible time of their existence here.

Organisers of the prestigious awards scheme said their decision to award the company with the Best Environmental Friendly Award stems from the company’s conscious effort at operating in the best way possible putting in place sustainable and measurable emission policies in your factories and production plants.

“Your environmental and compliance plans go a long way to curb environmental pollution making your premises environmentally friendly. Your enviable achievement is worth celebrating. We therefore applaud you and say keep it up,” a citation in honour of the company read.

The company was also celebrated for endearing their brand to Ghanaians within the shortest possible time through the production of quality high grade cements.

“Research and development has been your watch word and you have used latest technologies in your production processes to deliver quality and internationally accepted products onto the Ghanaian market. CIMAF CEMENT has become the Best Choice for Cement users in Ghana. Keep Building a Stronger Africa.” AYEKOO!!!

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